Winterizing Your Concrete Fixtures


From your driveway to your patio, to your stepping stones and garden gnomes, if they are made of concrete, they are susceptible to water damage, and deterioration come the cold winter months. Below we have three tips for making sure your concrete is ready for winter!

Before you take the following steps, it always helps to start with a clean, dry surface (try sweeping up debris and then using a pressure washer for an optimal clean)

1. Patch and Repair

The best way to stop and prevent damage from spreading is to repair the damage first. If the slab is level, it is easy enough that you can fix it on your own! This can be done with a concrete crack sealant that can be picked up from your local shop (like Home Depot). If you're unsure if the slab is even, or think there might be more extensive damage, make sure you consult a professional.

Before applying your sealant, try a concrete resurfacer. This will help older slabs and sections withstand the harsh winter.

2. Seal Concrete

Sealing is considered the best way to protect any concrete surfaces and doing this before the weather changes helps prevents future damage from the snow and ice. Talk to a professional about which sealant is best for you ( your local shop can help). Once it's done, it can last all year round and help protect against water, chemicals and salts used to de-ice during the winter.

3. Winterizing Concrete Items.

Unpainted concrete items in your yard can also be sealed to help prevent damage during the colder months. This includes any statues, decorative times or stepping stones. Remember if any of these are water features, drain and cover them for the winter, and store any small transportable items in a garden shed or somewhere they are protected from moisture.

When in doubt? Talk to a professional. Iris Landscaping Services are here to help with all your winterization needs. Fill out our quick form today to get started!

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