Increasing Your Home Value


First impressions can make, or break a home sale. In the current market, the best way to get the most bang for your buck is to make sure your home is in tip top shape, this includes your front, and back yard!

"A well-landscaped home has a significant price advantage over a home with no landscaping. This advantage ranges from 5.5 percent to 12.7 percent depending on the type of landscaping and the home's original value. That translates into an extra $16,500 to $38,100 in value on a $300,000 home." (Merritt, 2019)

Here are some of our top tips to increase curb appeal this winter:

  1. Start by tidying up. Rake your lawn, pressure wash your driveway and siding. This will go a long way to help increase the perceived value of your home.
  2. Fix up broken or aging structures. Is your porch is bad repair? Consider adding a fresh coat of paint, and fixing loose boards and railings.
  3. Spruce up your yard with seasonal plants. Adding some colour to your front yard ( and don't forget your backyard)
  4. Whatever improvements you make to your home's exterior, the key thing to keep in mind is consistency. People are often put off by too many visual points of interest, so choose one idea and carry it through - from any planting you do to colour choices you make in everything from your home's exterior to patio cushions.

Need some help working on upping your home value? Give us a call for all your landscaping needs, get your free quote HERE!

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