7 Steps to Upping Your Curb Appeal


First impression of a home from its curb appeal is a huge factor for potential home buyers. Often a home's outdoor landscaping is overlooked in the preparation for the sales process. We have put together our seven tips for sprucing up your lawn before your go live on the market, or just to improve your curb appeal!

"A well-landscaped home has a significant price advantage over a home with no landscaping. This advantage ranges from 5.5 percent to 12.7 percent depending on the type of landscaping and the home's original value. That translates into an extra $16,500 to $38,100 in value on a $300,000 home." (Merritt, 2019)

  1. Spruce Up Your Outdoor Containers. This includes not only your large planters, but also your hanging baskets and smaller plants on railings or tables.

  2. Add Some Mulch. A fresh layer of mulch makes your gardens look put together and provides contrast to make the colour pop.

  3. Plant Some Colour.

  4. Shape Trees and Shrubs. This helps create a clean look all year round.

  5. Tend to Your Flower Beds. Replace or discard any dead plants.

  6. Clean Up Your Water Features. Get rid of any algae, leaves and insure that filters are in good working order.

  7. Power-Wash Surfaces. This is an easy step to clean away any grimy surfaces and make your home look good as new.

This may seem overwhelming while you're already trying to get the rest of your home ready to go, consider hiring a professional. They can make quick work of the above tasks and can in turn make you tens of thousands of dollars!

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